Section 5 Building Your Relationship With God - 17 The Holy Church And The Holy Sacraments

Question: Do you want me to hear mass and receive communion daily?

You have been summoned. You gladly comply.

Description: A depiction of the crucifixion, with The Holy Spirit on the cross, at the center is the Holy Eucharist with the symbol for Jesus Christ.

On the bottom of the cross is the word Hallelu-Yah! This is the Hebrew phrase for Alleluia. Hallelu means praise, Yah means God (short version of Yahweh).

On the side of the cross are the two Seraphim. At the bottom are the seven Archangels.


Meaning: The mass is a celebration of the crucifixion (a praise-giving). As God explained, we celebrate a new Passover. Why the word "summon", why not “invited”? Because He is King (hence the importance of the INRI sign, which means Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews).

I was always told that going to Sunday mass was an obligation. When I asked God about this, He replied:

“If you were a parent, how would you feel if you knew your children were visiting you only because it was their obligation.”

God doesn’t want us to just comply. He wants us to go with joyful anticipation, like one who has been invited to a grand wedding. It is an honor to be invited. As the words of the mass state: “Happy are those who are called to His supper.”

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